How Lia Infraservices Developed Online Doctor Consultation App in Chennai 2022?

Natali Dev
8 min readMar 16, 2022


One of our Valuable client from the Health Sector approached us to build an “Online Doctor Consultation Mobile App Development Company in Chennai. So, here is the story, how we have developed an ultimate multi-module iOS & Android OS Support Mobile App — “The Best Doctor Consultation App in 2021” for Android & iOS Platform.

Lia Infraservices — Doctor Consultation Mobile App Development Company in Chennai, facilitates the ease of communication between a patient and a Doctor.

Covid times have made many luxury things essential. One such incident includes Social Distancing. Which has lead away to the popular usage of online doctor consultation app by many patients to avoid infection spread through physical contact during travel to hospital or at the hospital from other diseased patients.

Lia Infraservices Mobile App Development Company in Chennai is happy to be a part of creating evolution in the health care department by facilitating improvised doctor-patient communication on various online medical treatments for the ailed patients at the comfort of home.

The Features of the Online Doctor Consultation App in Chennai:

  1. Fix up Specialist Home visit Appointment or Consult a Surgeon Online/Virtual anytime based on the patient insurance ID’s class eligibility.
  2. Schedule Live Video Interaction with Doctor.
  3. Emergency Telemedicine Solutions
  4. Order & Collect Medicines from the nearest or convenient Medical Store
  5. Book the permitted Lab Test at Home.
  6. Doctors can maintain and access the patient’s Medical History prescription & Test report online.
  7. Doctors can guide the patient to buy the medicines at a convenient Pharmacy.
  8. Medical insurance companies will automatically receive the patient’s medical insurance claims legally with the doctor’s attestation.

With Doctors App — Now booking a Specialist Doctor Appointment is simply a click away!

Android & iOS Online Doctor Consultation App Development — Portal Features in Detail

Steps To Book a Doctor : Enter your insurance number — Choose City — Choose Area — Select a Specialist — Schedule a Virtual Consultation

1. Patient Portal:

The patient can Download this “Online Doctor Booking App” on their Android OS Mobile device. Sign up with the necessary contact details.

The App auto generates a unique patient ID for every single new signed user.

The patient has the freedom to choose the doctor of their choice from the list provided in the App.

The patient can view their desired Doctor’s qualification, specialization and expertise to gain trust in the treatment prescribed.

No need to carry medical history and records handy.

Patients generally miss carrying all the previous medical history while consulting with the doctors. Which compels the doctors to prescribe patients to take the medical test again, say ECG, Blood Test, etc.

The speciality of our Online Doctors Consultation App is the Doctor themself will upload the patient prescription along with the note on the previous medical history findings in the mobile app. Which will be handy for any doctor for their further reference.

a) Patients prescription

b) Medical test report

c) Doctors comment or advice on the test report

d) Change in the prescribed medicines based on the test report.

e) Schedule an appointment date for the Next Doctor consultation.

The key benefit of the Remote Consultation Doctor’s Appointment App is that the patient doesn’t need to carry their medical records with them during the consultation.

Instead, the doctor will itself have the access to go through each and every patient’s previous and ongoing medical history before 15 minutes (duration can be set as needed) before the scheduled appointment time.

Note: Back-to-back Doctor Appointment Scheduling is not allowed in our app. Because any Doctor needs some time to go through the patient’s health history before meeting the patient on-line or off-line.a) Patient’s previous and present medical Condition

b) The on-going treatment procedure & recommendations such as physiotherapy, Diet, Physical activity, etc.

c) List of latest prescribe Medicines

d) The recent health check-up or the test report.

Freedom to solve your medical doubts and questions privately from the health specialist.

Patient Application — Doctor Home visit or The Virtual Appointment Module:

Integration required: The integration of insurance company linked with that particular hospital.

In the patient application module, the patient can choose their preferred date and time to book a doctor from the list allocated for their Insurance level and also on the availability of the doctor’s time slot on the specific date.

Once the patient books an appointment, the respective insurance company team will be notified. Simultaneously the chosen doctor will receive the patient appointment notification in their mobile phone through a pop-up notification to confirm or cancel the appointment.

Insurance Panel Portal:

Every time, while a patient books a doctor’s appointment, the request will be notified to the patient’s insurance company also. The respective insurance company checks the patients’ eligibility to book the specified doctor through the Patient unique Insurance ID.

Insurance Panel — Admin Control Module:

The insurance team can check the patient’s request to fix up an appointment with the respective doctor’s Home Visit or the Online Consultation on their dashboard.

The insurance team can approve or deny the following appointment based on the client’s insurance provision and eligibility.

If Appointment Denied by the Insurance Company:

The patient will receive the detailed reason for Disapproving the Patient-Doctor Virtual appointment consultation or Home Visit Consultation.

In-case if the patient insists on consulting the specialist doctor, beyond the patient insurance class eligibility. It is still possible to consult a specific doctor by paying the remaining doctor consultation fee.

The patient can pay the excess doctor consultation fee through the secured payment gateway option available in the “Online Doctor Consultation app”.

If Approved :

The patient will receive the doctor’s details and the doctor will have the access to the patient medical records to understand the patient’s case details.

Appointment booking Cancellation: 3 Ways.

Patient-Doctor — Appointment Booking Cancellation may happen in 3 Ways:

1. By the Insurance Company:

As mentioned above — If a patient chooses a doctor beyond their eligible doctor, the insurance company can cancel the appointment by mentioning the reason as “Appointment in-eligible”.

2. By The Patient:

Unavailability of the patient on the particular date of appointment. In this case, The patient can cancel the appointment any time from the patient’s end by mentioning a valid reason.

3. By The Doctor:

Due to the unavailability of the doctor as on the scheduled date of the appointment. The Doctor can cancel the appointment by specifying the reason.

Technical Specification Utilized to Developed Online Doctor Consultation Android & iOS Mobile App:

Android & iOS Support:

Above — Android 7.0 versions.

For iOS — Supports above iPhone 5 to iPhone 12 Pro Max


  • Kotlin using Android Studio 4.0.2
  • Backend: Node.js
  • Admin Panel & API:
  • Framework: Codeigniter
  • Technology Admin: Node.js, MySQL
  • API: JSON format.
  • API: Google Geo-Fencing
  • Notification Message: FireBase
  • Third-Party Libraries: Agora
  • API Video Calling: Agora

Technical Advancement App features:

1. One patient can book one doctor at a time:

One Patient can book one doctor at any given time slot.

The easiest way to schedule a virtual consultation with the best Doctor in Chennai.

2. Automated Video Calling Activation:

Virtual Appointment Booking — the app will enable the video calling options automatically on the scheduled time slot.

3. Use Google Geo-Fencing API to locate the Nearby Doctor on Emergency:

Doctor’s Home Visit Appointment requested on an emergency basis. The app uses the Geo-Fencing API to discover the nearby doctor’s availability (based on the patient Insurance class eligibility) around the patience appointment booking location.

How does Doctor Appointment Booking Module work during an emergency scenario?

Patient booking Doctor through the Google Geo-Fencing Module works as an Emergency module. The Doctor booking procedure is different here.

If any patient books a doctor’s appointment request via the Emergency module.

“Find a selection of the very best peer-reviewed medical specialists at Lia Infraservices Online Doctor Consultation App in Chennai, and request an appointment today”

1. The app will send an emergency notification to all the doctors (eligibility based on the patient insurance Class) nearby to the patience locality.

2. The available doctor will confirm the booking request and attend/pickup the patient at Home.

Module: Home Health Care Module:

This module offers 3 health care services at the patience home.

1. Nurse( he/she) — regular patience dialysis, medication, to conduct therapy treatment etc.

2. Elderly Care — Visiting aged people at regular intervals for periodic inspection.

3. Dressing for wounds etc.

Module: Book Global Doctor:

The patient can choose any doctor of Choice as provided in their Health Insurance class. A patient can choose a specialist Doctor across the globe for Virtual Doctor Consultation.

Module: Labs & Pharmacy:

At the end of the consultation session, the doctor can upload the prescription photocopy attached with the Patience insurance id for future reference.

This module links all 5 in 1 Online Doctor Consultation Mobile App

Based on the convenience of the patient the doctor forwards the prescription or schedule lab test (at home or at the lab) to the Pharmacy and the Lab.

Note: Certain scans get covered under insurance based on the subjected insurance class, which needs approval from the Insurance company.

The Pharmacy Part:

The Patient can conveniently visit the assigned pharmacy near their residence, pay the amount and collect the medicines.

In case if the assigned pharmacy doesn’t have the required medicine quantity, the app itself will raise a query request for the availability of the balanced medicine to the other nearby pharmacy with the help of Google — Geofencing. The patient can happily collect the remaining medicines.

Once the medicines are issued to the patient, the Pharmacist updates the prescription as — Medicines Purchased/Delivered.

The Lab Part:

The patient can utilise the “Request — Lab Assistants to Visit Home” option to collect Bio samples. In the case of X-Ray, Scan etc, the patient can visit a Lab nearby (as recommended in the app). The Lab in charge will update the patient visit, lab details and patient lab test report against the Patient APp user id, for the doctors’ perusal.

The Doctor will get notified to check the patients’ lab test result. Based on the report details the doctor suggests a change in the medications and schedule an appointment for the next Checkup (only if required).


Make wise decisions — Get your own Doctor Appointment Booking App Developed Today!

If you are a Doctor, running your own clinique or a hospital, this Doctor App will be very much convenient for you to manage your daily operations. Manage your patient to fix up an appointment with doctors effectively with no human interface.

Store digital information records of the patients securely in a cloud memory, which can be accessed from any part of the globe.

Doctor Booking App — The one-stop destination to fix up Doctor Appointment through Lia Infraservices’s Android & iOS Mobile App Development Company in Chennai — Online/ request a home visit, Consult Specialist across the globe, Purchase Medicines, Schedule lab test at home/at the lab, Maintain Medical records online, Manage Health Insurance efficiently.

Contact Lia Infraservices to get your Online Doctor App developed in Chennai with the best UI/UX design.

